Monday, August 17, 2009


Ok, so I have been thinking on a topic for my blog for about a year and I decided that the topic will be “ME”. At first I wanted to write about traveling, because it has been a huge part of my life. I love traveling either in Mexico or around the globe. Some of the countries I’ve visited are the US, Guatemala, Belize, Cuba, Mexico of course, Spain, England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Germany, oh and lets not forget Andorra. I have traveled with all kinds of budgets, from staying at the Sheraton to staying at the ugliest hostel in the world. I thought I could give travelers some tips.

Another topic I had in mind was my romantic life, I have had a few boyfriends, and each relationship has been a crazy adventure. Guys from different countries, with different cultures that make every relationship complete madness; however, now I am settled with my amazing boyfriend Mike. We have been dating for two years, so having my blog with a Carrie Bradshaw’s column style is also not an option anymore.

I also thought about writing about fashion, beauty, and health. After living in NY and Barcelona, I must say I have a very interesting sense of fashion; well… it is true that I also lived in Texas, but I also have my cowgirl side next to the pair of cowboy boots I keep in my closet. My style is classic and I use accessories to make my outfits trendier; in general, I just try to stay stylish. I love my clothes, shoes, purses, accessories and makeup. I enjoy spending hours going shopping, or even just window-shopping over the net. I like to be updated with new seasons, especially from my favorite designers. During my free time in high school I also studied to become a stylist, so I know a little about hair and makeup. I have also been to a lot of dietitians and nutritionists, and I have learned a lot about healthy eating habits, and was trained about eating disorders during college; therefore I thought I could talk about all that. I also had a personal trainer for a year, so I even know a little bit about working out even when I haven’t for over a year now. (ups)

Finally, I admit I love fighting for the human rights, and I really enjoy political topics, but I decided I could talk about all that with my college friends. So this won’t be a political blog either. Instead, I will gather all this topics, which describe “ME”. A crazy dreamer that has some bits and pieces of everything you can think of. I go from participating at a beauty contest, to this crazy documentary filmmaker recording the suffering of the Central American immigrants in Mexico while trying to get to the US. Anyway this is ME, and I will be talking about all this things I am passionate about and how you can have anything you can dream about, so I dare you all to dream, and achieve those dreams.


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